THE BELLS for St.MARY'S CHURCH at East Raynham

We have very nearly completed our great task, thanks to the generosity of friends and relations in The USA, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and England

'Click' HERE for the LATEST NEWS

The Bells are now Ringing, and dedicated to a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON

Just 'Click' here to see "The ROYAL VISIT"

Now a BBC TV Program Crowns the Project

Transmitted: 7.30pm. Wednesday 1st March 2006 on BBC2 in England. Email us for details of how you can see it:

or- 'Click' HERE for the BBC page and then quit the BBC site to return here

To return here later, please 'click' for this Index Page,wherever you are.


(To move to another page, 'click' your mouse's left ear, where directed at the end of each page.

Or you can hit the BACK ARROW at the top of your screen (or a right mouse click) to retrace your steps at any time).

1. Lord Raynham's Original Letter.

2. Some History, the Original Situation and the Proposal

3. The Contribution Packages

4. A Donation Form

5. The Bells Dedication Service by The Bishop of Norwich

6. Main Picture List (Updating regularly now)

'Click' HERE for the LATEST NEWS

For help and advice, please Email:

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